Historisches Seminar der LMU
Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
By appointment (per Email)
Research Interests
Medieval Jewish History, History of Jewish Law, Legal History and Legal Theory, Women’s History and Gender Studies
Übung: Family Ties: Jewish Family Life in Comparative Perspective, SoSe 2022
Übung: The Jewish Lifecycle in Medieval and Early Modern Contexts, SoSe 2021
Übung: Judaism in Historical and Contemporary Practice, WiSe 2020-21, SoSe 2018
Übung: Jewish Law in Historical Context: From the Bible to the State of Israel, SoSe 2020, WiSe 2016-17
Übung: Conflict and Cooperation in the Middle Ages: Jewish and Christian Perspectives, SoSe 2019
Übung: Jews and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, WiSe 2018-19
Übung: Reading the Talmud as an Historian, WiSe 2017-2018