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Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur




Peer-reviewed Articles

  • “The Right to Light: Jews, Christians, and Shared Legal Practices in Medieval Ashkenaz.” Jewish Studies Quarterly, forthcoming 2023 (with Sophia Schmitt).
  • “A Return to Credibility? The Rehabilitation of Repentant Apostates in Medieval Ashkenaz.” In On the Word of a Jew: Religion, Reliability, and the Dynamics of Trust, ed. Nina Caputo and Mitchell B. Hart, 201−221. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2019.
  • “Marriage Before the Bench: Divorce Law and Litigation Strategies in Thirteenth-Century Ashkenaz.” Jewish History 31 (2017): 7−30.
  • “Captivity, Conversion, and Communal Identity: Sexual Angst and Religious Crisis in Frankfurt, 1241.” Jewish History 22 (2008): 179−221.

Other Articles

  • “Law and Disorder in Medieval Ashkenaz: A Rabbinic Response in Local Context.” In Medieval Ashkenaz: Papers in Honour of Alfred Haverkamp (Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden A 31), ed. Christoph Cluse and Jörg Müller, 285–303. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021 (with Sophia Schmitt).
  • “Alles, was Recht ist: Zum Umgang mit Licht, Luft und Privatsphäre in mittelalterlichen Nachbarschaften.” In Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 14/1 (2020): 45−63 (with Sophia Schmitt).

Edited Volumes

  • Rachel Furst and Sophia Schmitt, guest editors. Tür an Tür im Mittelalter: Jüdisch-Christliche Nachbarschaft vor dem Ghetto. Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 14/1 (2020).

Source Compilations

  • Responsa from Medieval Ashkenaz: Selections from the Collections of Meir b. Barukh of Rothenburg, Hayim b. Isaac Or Zaru’a, and Colleagues. Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im spätmittelalterlichen Reich, ed. Alfred Haverkamp and Jörg R. Müller. Mainz, Trier. Forthcoming (with Alon Brand and Sophia Schmitt). (http://www.medieval-ashkenaz.org/quellen.html)

Encyclopedia Entries

  • “Captive, Captivity. Judaism.” “Illegitimate Offspring, Medieval.” “Intermarriage, Medieval.” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Vols. 4, 12, 13. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2011, 2016.


  • “Review. Jeffrey R. Woolf, The Fabric of Religious Life in Medieval Ashkenaz.” Speculum 93/4 (2018): 1274−75.
  • “Review Essay. Elizabeth Shanks Alexander, Gender and Timebound Commandments in Judaism.” Blog of the Center for Jewish Law at Cardozo School of Law (November 2013).
  • “Review. Sharon F. Koren, Forsaken: The Menstruant in Medieval Jewish Mysticism.” Lilith Magazine (Spring 2012).