, , Franziska Weinmann - Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur - LMU München
Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur


Franziska Weinmann

Franziska Weinmann, M.A.




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Titel der Arbeit: Mediterranean Positions. Jewish Perspectives about the Land and the Sea

Promotionsvorhaben: Integration in the Mediterranean space constitutes a recurring theme in debates about Israel’s spatial belonging. The Mediterranean Sea serves as a projection of diverse imaginations in Jewish conceptions of the land and the sea. Besides various historical narratives, some of which delineate a Jewish relation to the Mediterranean before statehood was established, recurring motifs are linked to popular themes in the field of literature or music. The various constructions are reflective of a heterogeneous field of Jewish actors, who access this spatial format based on different intentions by appropriating spatial notions of the land and applying them to the sea. The core of the project seeks to trace the historical change and impact of Jewish spatial notions in their relation to the Mediterranean Sea from 1936 to 1967. Putting the different narratives in contrast, analysing them regarding their cultural and political background and uncovering the linkages among them lies at the heart of this endeavor.

Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr. Michael Brenner Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Dr. Joachim Schlör 

Hauptfach: Neuere und Neueste Geschichte